Get Involved

Cochrane could not exist without its volunteers.

Around 37,000 people from over 130 countries worldwide dedicate their time to help us create reliable health and healthcare information while remaining independent from commercial interests.

The work of each volunteer is different. For example, a researcher might dedicate their time to writing a Cochrane systematic review, a student might translate and summarize key information into Italian, or a patient might suggest ways to improve the linguistic clarity of our reviews.


If you are an author of a Cochrane Systematic Review, or want to understand how to write one, you can refer to the Cochrane Review Group responsible for the topic or theme you are interested in.

Currently, there are 53 registered Review Groups in Cochrane, each responsible for a specific area of health research. By contacting the Review Group, the author receives support, resources, and training to create a systematic review and make it accessible to the public through publication in the Cochrane Library database.

Registered Cochrane Review authors have access to Cochrane training modules available on the Cochrane Training website.

Other useful tools include:

  • The Cochrane Handbook for Systematic Reviews of Interventions contains a methodological guide for preparing and maintaining up-to-date Cochrane systematic reviews on healthcare interventions. Written in English with clear and accessible language, it is the essential manual for writing, updating, and reading Cochrane reviews.
  • RevMan is the software used to prepare and maintain Cochrane reviews. It can be used to write protocols or reviews. It is useful when the question on which the review is based has already been formulated, providing support in writing the text, constructing tables to describe the characteristics of the studies, and entering data. With RevMan, it is also possible to conduct meta-analyses and present results graphically.

As a student interested in the Cochrane world, there are several tools available to approach Evidence-Based Medicine and start gaining experience in systematic reviews and meta-analyses.

  • You can contact a Review Group and ask if they have activities or projects you could get involved in.
  • You can participate in our knowledge translation activities. This type of activity refers not only to translating information from English to Italian but mainly to translating from technical, specific language to simpler language that is accessible to the general population.
  • You can take your first steps in research using the Cochrane training platforms, specifically created for those with little or no experience in evidence synthesis methods and who want to acquire new skills.

Cochrane has a specific page dedicated to students: Cochrane Students.

Health Consumers

Evidence-based medical care arises from the integration of the best evidence, the experience of healthcare professionals, and the needs of patients.

Cochrane considers it essential to involve patients, their families, caregivers, and all citizens interested in improving their health and healthcare in its activities. These individuals are collectively referred to as health consumers.

Learn more about what can you as a health consumer on our dedicated page.

What do you get

We understand the importance of volunteers' work, but we also acknowledge that not everyone has the resources to dedicate their time without any form of recognition. For this reason, Cochrane Italy offers various ways to value its volunteers, tailored to their contributions and needs:

  • Training is fundamental to volunteering. By collaborating with us, volunteers have the opportunity to deepen their understanding of research practices and enhance their skills in evidence-based medicine. Moreover, translation work will be preceded by formal and informal meetings where skills, guidelines, and suggestions are shared.
  • Through the Cochrane Engage platform, volunteers can earn points to gain Cochrane Membership Points. Points are awarded for their contribution and active participation in projects and activities. With Membership, volunteers can access Cochrane resources and unlock benefits and privileges within the community.
  • Volunteers are mentioned in our Volunteer List. Their contribution is publicly recognized on our website. Additionally, if they wish, they can be mentioned with a dedicated post on our social media.
  • Volunteers who consistently collaborate on various projects or who have distinguished themselves with particularly complex or outstanding work may receive personalized support and recommendations through Cochrane Engage or LinkedIn, as they are valuable tools for developing their professional career in the field of healthcare research.